Mackerel flos gari Garum

Mackerel flos gari Garum obtained from the first filtration

Ingredients: Mackerel and salt 

Sold in 50ml bottles


Garum was without a doubt the favorite condiment of the Romans. Made from various fermented fish parts, it was a type of fish sauce produced throughout the empire. Highly protein, GARUM, increases the intensity of the flavor. In the 1st century AD, garum, produced in Spain from mackerel maceration, was considered the best garum. Its cost was comparable only to that of the best perfumes (with a thousand sesterces, you got two congi, equivalent to about six liters). Marcus Valerius Martialis (1st century AD) praises the luxury of garum produced since the first blood flowed from the freshly cut mackerel, considered a particularly luxurious and appreciated gift.