Terreiro do Paço

Most of the memory of the city of Lisbon and the Portuguese passes through this magnificent square.
Terreiro do Paço, or Praça do Comércio, would be the origin of a universe of more than an hundred postcards, not counting variants that remained unpublished.
It was the first port of Lisbon, place of the rise of the Jews, space of the structures of the Manueline royal power, Philippine ex-libris, inquisitorial setting, it witnessed royal entrances, the celebration of the symbolic and the power of the Enlightenment state, the regicide of D. Carlos and the republican celebrations…
The square lived through the different times of liberalism, leaving memories that today are also pages of history. In it the monarchy ended and the Republic was born, lived the days of Salazarism – the bureaucratic and the festive ones. Again, the liberating movement of the 25th of April dawned… It was, par excellence, the place that exemplifies political power or, better, of all the political powers that ruled us. And so we hope it will continue to be.

Postais Praça do Comércio

Postais do Terreiro do Paço – Praça do Comércio A maior parte da memória da cidade e dos portugueses passa pelo Terreiro do Paço / Praça

A Praça do Comércio em Postal Antigo

Texto parcial do livro “A Praça do Comércio em postal antigo” Carlos Consiglieri e Marilia Abel – Livros HorizonteEste livro, que deve adquirir, apresenta uma